Thursday, November 12, 2015

Digital Blog #K on PhotoPeach

I like PhotoPeach. I initially tried Canva (again) and it really gives me fits. I seem to get just so far with it then it slows down and freezes.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Digital Blog #J

For this weeks topic I chose to try out the ZooBurst pop-up book. This format is very interesting to me. I like the way it offers content for the over all page and for each picture on the page. It feels more direct to me, more focused. My only issue with it is similar to many of the others that I have tried and that is the limited capabilities of the free version. I really think that they would get more people purchasing licenses if they would offer a full version test drive for maybe two days or even one or two projects. If someone can really put it through its paces then they are more likely to bite. Just my two cents.